Base64 - Encoder and Decoder

Encode your text to base64 or decode a base64 string to text in a easily way.

Word Count: 0 / Character Count: 0 / Line Count: 0

Welcome to Base64 Encoder and Decoder Online Tool

A simple but handy online tool to encode and decode base64 strings.
Understand better the options below.

What is Base64?

Base64 is a method of codification used on internet transfers.
Frequently used to transfer files on systems that only allows text, like attachments on emails.
Read more at: Wikipedia


This operation takes your input text and encodes it to a base64 string.
To use it, simple paste your text in the input box and click on 'Encode' button.


This tool takes your input base64 and decodes it back to the original text.
To use it, simple paste your text in the input box and click on 'Decode' button.